Sam Swarek | Andy McNally [Rookie Blue] #16 ~ Because "I would trust him with my life."

I'm sure we'll get a little something. The promo said something about "when professional turns personal..." and they showed a shot of Andy looking Sam. :nod: I'm interested to figure out where Andy's "I'm done with guys" bit comes in. :lol:
Sam Swarek | Andy McNally [Rookie Blue] #16 ~ Because "I would trust him with my life."

I thought it was really good :nod: Especially for a first attempt. :)
So I'm watching 2x08 (Monster) for the umpteenth time and the opening sequence where Sam and Andy have the blue guy cornered in the market. Did anyone notice how Sam/Ben clears that counter at the cash register? That's some mad plyometric skills there! His feet didn't even skim the top. He went right over.
Amazing! And hot! LOL

Spoilerish for those who haven't seen last night's episode yet:

[SP]Anyone have any idea why Sam said he couldn't go get breakfast with Andy @ The Black Penny?[/SP]

When I double post, it's because I forget everything I want to say to put in one post. LOL Seriously. No joke. I'll try to curb that. :)

I thought he meant he had something to do that prevented him from going to eat breakfast, besides the sparring he had in mind.
I've watched the last scene like 4 times now. lol That was pretty awesome.
And wow did Missy get in some good hits. You could see her connecting. Fantastic episode.
Being away at school, I am not able to have my usual Rookie Blue updates! It's upsetting! :(

I am so glad it's a two hour finale! Ahh...that anticipation!

And I seriously can not wait till thursday! Even though I will not be able to watch(I seriously might cry) I can't wait to see everyone's updates!

Happy Rookie Blue watching! (I miss this board way too much!) :D
Sam Swarek | Andy McNally [Rookie Blue] #16 ~ Because "I would trust him with my life."

I was a total Luke/Andy supporter until he cheated, that's a deal breaker for me

:eek: okay

Sam Swarek | Andy McNally [Rookie Blue] #16 ~ Because "I would trust him with my life."

Can't wait for tonight!!! I had some good Sandy/ McSwarek dreams last night, you could say i'm a little obsessed....
Sam Swarek | Andy McNally [Rookie Blue] #16 ~ Because "I would trust him with my life."

That would be the most awkward situation. :lmao: I'd rather see some cuddling. :love: :D
Sam Swarek | Andy McNally [Rookie Blue] #16 ~ Because "I would trust him with my life."

I'm guessing she turns him down. :nod: Or she accepts and it enRAB up being a bad date landing her at the penny where Sam will happen to be. :smirk: But that's just me twisting stories in my head. :lol: