Long distance Relashionship?


New member
Okay so there's this guy I've started talking to 2 months ago & he's friends with a really good friend of mine & he let me
Talk to him & we both really like each other we always say each others cute or we love each other, but he dosnt want a long distance Relashionship & I am moving to the province were he lives really soon .. But just in a small town .. but yeah I really like him help ..
Long Distance Relationship works. I know somebody who have this kind of relationship. They have been away for almost a year and they get back together when the boy returns from the other country where he is an exchange student. So far, they're doing good.
Listen, it's not a problem to have a long distance relationship with someone. If you like/love someone, you will endear him from a long distance too. The thing we take out of being in a romantic relationship, is the experience it grants us to our future. You seem to be young-aged so far, and I don't think you should give a lot of fucking care about what kind of relationship you will have with someone, if you both are having love, you should keep on the relationship, and arrange more meetings, to not neglect it. ;) Good luck!

P.S: I am also young-aged, and I just broke up with a girl, yes, yesterday. :P And I knew even before, why I come up with the relationship with her. Don't worry, it's okay to have wrongful relations with people, just accomplish the experience for the future.

I will be concluding, with a huge YES; why not trying something new? Our lives are short, and we should squeeze everything from it, and utilize it. ;)
Hi Haylee I am Marry. I understand your feelings but try to show with him. If he really cares and loves you he shouldn't be bothered by your feelings. Also convey up the public anxiety with him. I am confident that he will understand you nd your feelings. Hope all thing goes fine or okk..
didnt work for me...but do give it a try....you may regret not even giving it a chance.....do try to keep in contact as much as possible