How to boost assertiveness?


New member
I'm in 10th grade.I always get mad at people who think their better than me,specifically these wannabe thug blacks.Most times I just wanna hit one of them so bad!But They're all stronger than me,and much more athletic.
I've never really been athletic,cause i'm a artist,so I usaully just draw all day.On top of that I have extremely high motabolism,so i'm skinney and weak.The most push ups I can do is 30,and recently I sneak my brothers 15 ib dumbells and lift them every now and then.
My plan was to start going to a gym,and work out enough to show some good results.I want to bench at least 200.Thats my goal.
I've never been in a real fight cause I know I will get my *** handed to me,plus I don't want to get embarrassed.Honestly i'm really quiet,and I have no real status.I'm not ugly or anything like that,I talk to girls,but it never goes anywhere,because I lack in the social department.And honestly Don't have the guts to get in a fight.And everyone is prepairing for college anyways.
I just want to get strong so none of these piece of **** freshman sophmores juiners or seiners will mess with me.People don't know how to leave other people alone!!Everyone respects a guy with muscles.But I have serious plans with my art,and I gotta get my grades up,plus a lack of confidence and self of steem.I figured my life would be better when I'm in college,because by then I would have a job and going to the gym.
I'm a mess right,I need a **** ton of confidence and self of steem.
Should I take karate?