An unidentified organic compound X, con-
taining C, H, and O was subjected to com-
bustion analysis. When 228.4 mg of pure X
was burned 627.4 mg of CO2 and 171.2 mg of
H2O were obtained. Determine the simplest
formula of the compound X.
1. C6H10O2
2. C5H8O2
3. C6H8O
4. C2H4O
taining C, H, and O was subjected to com-
bustion analysis. When 228.4 mg of pure X
was burned 627.4 mg of CO2 and 171.2 mg of
H2O were obtained. Determine the simplest
formula of the compound X.
1. C6H10O2
2. C5H8O2
3. C6H8O
4. C2H4O