I just tried to download some nude scene from Hollywood movie. I searched for key word like "nude scene", "sex scene" this sort of stuff and I started to download all the result from the list without carefully checking. The next day, I started to check the video I have downloaded. Then I found some of them include child pornography. It really freak me out cause I have read some news about people accidentally downloaded child pornography and facing sentence in prison for 20 years. Then I decided to delete all the video I have downloaded and uninstalled eMule instantly. I have also reported to ACMA about this accident, but I failed to report all the result cause I have uninstalled the eMule. Cause it is weekend right now, they have not replied to me right now. I still think I do not do enough. What else I can do? I am an oversea student in Australia. Im so scared and even cant sleep at night.
Please dont tease me, it was a dumb move and I feel bad enough about it. What else I can do? Please help me.
Please dont tease me, it was a dumb move and I feel bad enough about it. What else I can do? Please help me.