earth science help work help please?

ashley k

New member
1. What is the force behind mass movements?

*the sun's energy
*flowing water
*moving ice

2. Which of the following is NOT true about mass movements?

*Some mass movements are too slow to be seen.
*Mass movements always lead to landslides.
*Gravity is the driving force behind all mass movements.
*Mass movements are always downslope.

3. Oversteepened slopes often lead to mass movements because _____. (1 point)

*plants cannot grow on them
*the angle of their slope is between 10 and 20 degrees
*the angle of their slope is less than 20 degrees
the angle of their slope is greater than 40 degrees

4. When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface, the type of mass movement is called _____.

*a rockfall
*a rockslide
*a slump

5. A relatively rapid form of mass movement that is most common in dry mountainous regions is _____.

*a mudflow
*a slump
*an earthflow

6. The average annual precipitation worldwide must equal the quantity of water _____.
*locked in glaciers

7. The ability of a stream to erode and transport materials depends largely on its ______.


8. The vertical drop of a stream channel over a certain distance is called _____.

*channel roughness

Mass movements always lead to landslides

the angle of their slope is less than 20 degrees


a mudflow




Actually no the correct answers are
1. Gravity
2. Mass movement always leads to landslides
3. The angle of their slope is greater than 40 degrees
4. A slump
5. A mud flow
6. Evaporated
7. Velocity
8. Gradient