Do shaky hands and sweaty palms related to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?

Ann MJ

New member
Googling it doesn't help much. Just curious, maybe the info would help me in the future.
Yeah, it happens all the time until I've learned to live with it. Ranging from mild to serious shaking, ergo I can't enroll myself in art school or architecture. Ironically I love those subjects. Pathetic, right? About my past, I could hardly recall any of them. It was when I was 14 (I'm 18) I started to realize I never had recalled anything from my past, sure feels like being brainwashed. So, I don't know if I happened to have neurological disorders, but I'm quite sure I didn't have one. I haven't been diagnosed, though. Option number 2, maybe a bit and I think I have mild OCD. It was serious back then when I was still a kid but now it's better because I self-treat myself. PTSD? Not sure because I couldn't recall my childhood memories. Phobia? Maybe not because I nearly afraid of nothing. I don't think I have social anxiety because most of the time I don't give a toss on everything, no wonder people call me mean and insensitive. But there ar