which one of these website domain should i buy?


New member
This in not my real name but i'm just using this to tell you my real situation.
My real name has Same number of Alphabets as these.

Ok here i go...For Example my name is "Jhhon Brad"
And i want to buy one site to showcase my work, from the option available below:
- jhhonb.com (JhhonB.com)
- jhhon.net (Jhhon.net)

which of above should i buy & why?
in my opinion ".com" is more Universal domain. For for it here drawback is not first name only JhhonB.com or people will remember this easily??
A Domain name is a string of words that identifies a website.We should be very careful with the naming conventions

* The domain name is very important for any business and it should be easy to remember without much punctuations.
* It should be unique and related to business.
* It should be short and catchy.
* If it is of universal accepted TLD's like .com,.biz,.info is more advantageous...
In your case I would suggest you to get a domain name which is more related to the business/work that you deal with...This is because the domain name is also considered in SEO factor.If you still insist in getting a domain name related to your name then JhhonB.com is good...

In choosing the registrar also one should be very careful.The registrar should be reliable and provide services at affordable cost.I suggest you can register your preferred domain name with 9cubehosting.com where they also afford economic freebies...