top 10 best clutch shooters in nba history?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tayshaun ur King(Flash)
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Tayshaun ur King(Flash)

michael jordan
kobe bryant
jerry west
robert horry
lebron james
wilt chamberlain
derek fisher
john paxon
clyde drexler
allen iverson
(by the way,clutch means like who can make the shot with like 3 seconds left,not whos the best shooter)
1.-Jerry West
2.-Reggie Miller
3.-Larry Bird
4.-Michael Jordan
5.-Kobe Bryant
6.-Robert Horry
7.-John Paxon
8.-Derek Fisher
9.-LeBron James
10.-Allen Iverson

Wilt and Drexler are not on the list, because I don't saw them making many clutch shoots.

my top 10 michal jordan 2 dwade 3robert horry 4 tim duncan5kobe 6fisher 7 jhon paxon allien iverson
Robert horry
reggie miller ( how did u not include him????)
jerry west
ray allen
d wade
Gilbert areanas
larry bird
magic johnson

Some ppl may disagree wit me