2001 Mazda Millennia having white smoke by left tire/hood?

Jalin c

New member
I was driving earlier today and heard something like a snap or break like I ran over something in the road, when I got back home my car was rapidly letting out white steam on the left of the hood and had a burnt water smell. This was when the car was turned off, a mechanic hasn't looked at this car in a year, it hasn't been serviced or given a tune up, the tires may have been aligned when I got two new front tires in may but I don't know if they do that. Only my step dad who's not a mechanic looks at it and gives it oil changes not regularly. He claims that it was just out of water which the radiator leaks regularly. Something is wrong with this car every week what do you guys recommend be done and what is this white smoke when the engine is turned off?