Okay. So the other day one of my friends said I should start talking to my dad again. I stared at her.

So here's the story; (please read it all -it's not much really)

My dad left my mum and I when I was 3ish. He's an alcoholic and used to come in every other night drunk outta his mind and hit my mum. Mum eventually filed for divorce and for about two years I didn't see him. Then, he got back in touch when I was 5ish and wanted to get to know me and take me out places and shiz. He would organise days out but he would never turn up for them - only sometimes he would. I remember I used to sit on my bed waiting for my dad to come pick me up and he would never turn up - this happened SO many times, I can't even recall all of them because there's so many.

Occasionally he turns up at the door (once every six months, at a push) drunk. Mum sends him away cause i really dont want to see him & dont like him when he's drunk.

Nowdays he spends all of his money in the pub coz, you know, he's an alcoholic. so that's kind of.. bleh.

It was my sixteenth birthday the other month there and i didn't even get a card from him. I've not had a birthday card or christmas card for years tbh.

He has hardly helped my mum with anything to do with me - we're not the wealthiest in the world and we have actually struggled like crazy and he's never even bought me a pair of socks tbf.

and still says i should talk/getin touch with my dad again.
what do you all think?